Get updated about the real moods of the people.
PROVE instantly why your mood has changed?
Every photo in PHOTORIUMS has a mood of its own.
Which IUMS MOOD is most appropriate for you?
SEARCH for people not according to their OUTLOOK but according to their MOODS.
Everyone maintains his/her life with changing feelings. The iums is a psychological social network where every creature with feelings can share his/her mood with the masses.
With a single key stroke, PROVE your mood to the world.
Everybody needs to understand your feelings.
*Among the iums moods, you can choose the most appropriate one for you and for your pet to portray your psychological situations.
*You can show in which part of the world you are in, while in this mood.
*You can prove your mood by taking a photo of your own with details of facial expressions and body gestures and you can iums it everyone.
*You can get interact either with users in the same mood with you or with the user that have different moods.
*Photoriums, where mood photos are displaced, gives meaning to Selfies.
Have a nice Mood :)